Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Weeklong Life with Audiography

New Delhi: “It was a unique and mind blowing experience, to make a small drama project within a short period”. This was an instant statement made by 3 participants who came for the one week short term audiography course held at NISCORT in mid October 2010.

A week long short term audiography course was organized by NISCORT, under the guidance of Fr. Dejus, which started on October 18. The campus saw 3 new faces turn up for the special technical course on “Basic Audio Recording”. Two sisters from the congregation of Missionaries of Jesus from Jalandhar Diocese, Punjab and a boy from Tamilnadu were the participants for the same.

The short course included, Concept of sound, Amplifiers and Mixtures, Microphone and sound path, Recording basics, Introduction to Pro Tools and Practical Exercise. Sr. Maria MJ, in charge of the aspirants in her congregation told, “I am so privileged to come over here for this course, I thank NISCORT for all the arrangements and hospitality. This will surely help in my ministry. If my congregation allows me, I would join for the full time course”.

The course continued from Monday to Friday, which included a small project. They came up with one song and one drama production. A singer and as a casio player, Sr. Bernadette was happy to be a part of this. As her ministry, she was a part of Jesus Youth and now active in the pastoral field in the Diocese of Jalandhar. It is her passion to lead the choir in the cathedral and coordinate the youth. “I thank Jesus and my congregation for providing this opportunity, the course will help me to be more effective in my ministry as I think to compose songs in future”, was the grateful words of her. 

Edmond Robin a multimedia diploma holder from Tamilnadu was the third member who joined for this course along with the two sisters. He currently works as an office in charge in one of the English medium school in Jammu and Kashmir. His passion to be an editor landed him here. “I am interested in editing and wish to build up my career in Kollywood, the Tamil film industry as an editor”, was an exciting comment given by Robin who also wishes to continue video production course in near future.

All the three expressed the desires to continue for the longer period of time. Within this short period the practical exercise of producing one song and one drama was all exciting, giving them hands on training. Working with the editing software and use of special sound effects was a new and memorable experience to be cherished was exclaimed by three of them.

1 comment:

  1. Valuable for information...is there any further reading you recommend on this??

    Event Photography,Videography & Editing
